June 14, 2016 –Orleans District Court  -CAPE COD-

Client had been fired, arrested, interrogated on video for almost an hour and finally charged with a crime which she had no involvement.  To make matters worse, her employer was holding back her final paycheck.   When Client and her mother met Attorney neither of them had any experience in the criminal justice system.  Client told Lawyer that she had been accused of a crime that she did not commit.  She had no record and wanted to keep it that way.  She had recently obtained her bachelor’s degree and wished to work with children, a path which would require a clean record.

As for the accusations, she and a coworker at a seasonal restaurant job on the cape had been charged as co-conspirators, accused of stealing cash from the register and tip jars. She looked Attorney in the eyes, “I didn’t do it”.  Having heard this many times, Lawyer had doubts but listened carefully, preparing a defense strategy.  Cape Cod and the Islands do not treat crime lightly but as the case proceeded, more and more evidence came to light, verifying Client’s contention that she was not involved and knew nothing of the crime. This did not deter the district attorney. As the case proceeded, the allegations grew. What started as a few hundred dollars on one day was now nine thousand dollars, and a plan which spanned the summer.  The closed circuit video footage provided little help to either side, but the owner of the restaurant did not want the charges dismissed.  Finally after several trial dates, the Commonwealth recognized that they could not prove their case and dismissed the charges against Client.