
Cambridge District Court

Client, an avid cyclist and daily bicycle commuter was run off the road when two teens on a joy ride attempted to knock him off his bike.  The teens swerved at client, shouting, laughing and honking their horn as he returned home  from work on Rt. 60 in Arlington.  After returning to the road and remounting his bicycle, client was able to catch the drivers who were stuck in traffic near Mass Ave.  Client stood in front of their car with his bicycle between them, as he called the police, providing a partial license plate identification.  The teens revved the car’s engine, laughing.  Client’s bicycle then fell into the front of their grill as client moved toward the driver.  The teens immediately reversed the car and sped away, fleeing down a one way street.  Client frantically continued to talk to police as he pursued the vehicle.  When the police finally arrived, fearing charges against them for their reckless driving, the two fabricated a story involving client’s threatening behavior and alleged damage to their vehicle. The teens even asked that criminal charges be filed against client.  Client, who was notably angry did not interview well when Arlington police took his statement.  Because Arlington is so car friendly, charges were quickly filed against the angry cyclist.  In court, the district attorney refused to play ball.  On the day of the trial, the teens were present in court and ready to purger themselves before a jury.  Finally, minutes from trial, Attorney Martin was able to negotiate pretrial probation, which completely dismissed all charges against client after six months.